人情 :①他人への情けや思いやり/②人間の自然な心の動き
ここ数年で私たちは、拡張現実〔Augmented Reality〕にずいぶん親しくなりました。
Humanity :①compassion and sympathy for others / ②natural human feelings
We have become familiar with the term "Augmented Reality" in recent years.
Apps that enable us to look prettier, and games showing monsters popping out from a street corner.
These technologies make our daily lives more enjoyable and exciting by augmenting reality.
When we think about it, Social Networking Services also "augment" our reality of connecting with the rest of the world.
To this extent, technological advances, in general, may provide some types of augmented reality.
This reality, however, could make us feel more cramped, and we may miscomprehend the size of our physical reality.
When we are criticized for expressing our feelings on SNS, we almost feel like our thoughts should comply with the so-called norms.
To confront this reality, we present our exhibition, "Augmented Humanity."
"Ninjo (人情)" in Japanese means "compassion and empathy" or "natural human feelings," and could also be translated as "humanity."
This exhibition consists of a wide range of works that focus on small instances of our life we usually don't pay attention to or are very familiar with.
We aimed at providing an opportunity to change the way we see reality through experiencing two kinds of "humanistic" feelings: one for others and another for yourself.
We sincerely hope all the visitors would find a new aspect of reality through our exhibition.
日時 |
2020.1.18 (sat) 13:00-19:00 2020.1.19 (sun) 10:00-18:00 |
場所 |
東京都渋谷区恵比寿西 1-17-2 http://www.a-m-u.jp/ |
主催 |
早稲田大学文化構想学部 クリエイティブメディアR&Dゼミ |
監修 |
ドミニク・チェン准教授 |
お問い合わせ |
cmrd.seminar@gmail.com |
運営マネージャー | 栗本佳歩 / 西大知郎 / 多田夏帆 |
会計 | 天野凛 / 高橋二稀 / 上田悠人 |
記録 | 宮崎遥 / 山本藍衣 / 高橋二稀 / 藤田彩人 |
広報 | 髙谷蓮実 / 河本のぞみ / 神代真優 / 林崎美侑 / |
展示レイアウト | 小田崇仁 / 米原秀香 / 花井佑佳 / 金廣裕吉 / 高野瑞季 |
グラフィック | 菅沢若菜 / 島野史子 / 小林未奈 / 宮崎遥 |
コピーライト | 平田純也 / 須藤菜々美 / 竹田毬恵 / 冨岡夏生 |
英訳 | 佐々木杏奈 |
Webデザイン | 佐久間響子 / 糸井康子 / 宮崎遥 |
メンバー | 藤原奏人 / 内田佐和 /吉満駿太郎 / 石田祐暉 |
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