Waseda University
Creative Media R&D Seminar
kokoro-miru: ①try. to attempt to do something /②stare into one’s heart (emotion, will, compassion)
“New Normal”, since when did we start hearing such words?
In the blink of an eye, the environment around us has changed drastically.
Viruses, people's gaze, social distance and loneliness. Looking back, it has been a year in which we have been constantly at the mercy of these "intangible things”. Many of us must be fed up with the sudden demand to think about these new challenges.
The theme of this exhibition is intentionally stopping and contemplating the “intangible” in the context of our troubled times.
By nature, people have the ability to think about the presence of the supernatural, nature, and signs that lurk in our daily lives, and enjoy the lyricism that is invisible to the eye.
We would be pleased if our works inspire you to feel the subtleties of the heart. We sincerely hope that this exhibition will be able to help all those who are trying to see the intangible through trial and error.
2021.3.9 (Tue)-3.13 (Sat)
1-17-2 Ebisunishi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Waseda University
Creative Media R&D Seminar
Dominque Chen
※Access here for reservation
Live Streaming
On Saturday, March 13, from 11:00 to 15:00, the students who created the works will provide explanatory on YouTube Live.
Special Guests
During the exhibition period, we will be streaming the critiques by the following special guests on YouTube Live.
Tomoko Hashida
03/10(Wed) 11:00-11:50AM
Associate Professor, Department of Intermedia Art + Science, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Graduated from the Department of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts in 2003, and received a doctorate in Interdisciplinary Information Studies from the University of Tokyo in 2008. Ph.d. (Interdisciplinary Information Studies). After working as a special-appointment researcher at the University of Tokyo, she became a full-time lecturer at the Department of Intermedia Art + Science, Waseda University. Engaged in research and production of artworks based on the concept of "Alternative Beings", which shakes the stereotype of familiar artificial and natural objects and brings out their potential. Major awards include the Virtual Reality Society of Japan Best Paper Award, Funai Academic Award, and Innovative Technologies.
Arina Tsukada
Curator, Editor
Arina Tsukada is an explorer in new fields of Art & Science. Founder of The Whole Universe Association since 2018. With a diverse professional background, she is known for her participation as the director of the Sound Art project “See by your ears”, led by a sound artist Evala, as well as for being the editor in chief of the Art & Science online magazine “Bound Baw” since 2016. She continues to explore new worlds of possibilities through an interdisciplinary approach. Using art and science, and her multidisciplinary background, she has organized multiple conferences, exhibitions, media-productions, and the other spectacular events. She is also the author of the books “Art Science is (2018)”, co-author “Information Umwelt - Guidebook for playing between AI and human body(2019).”
Kotaro Watanabe
Contextual Designer, Specially Invited Professor at Keio University SFC
At Takram, a design innovation firm based in Tokyo, London and New York, he works on "contextual design" that encourages users to become creators and consumers to become expressors. He has been involved in a wide range of projects from mission and vision development to core service planning and art projects. His major works include "FLORIOGRAPHY," a gift of flowers and letters for ISSEY MIYAKE, "Morioka Bookstore," a bookstore that sells only one book, and branding for Nikkei Inc. and FM station J-WAVE. He is also the navigator of his own program "TAKRAM RADIO" on the same station (Dominique Chen has appeared several times!). His hobby is tea ceremony and his tea name is Senkou Sotatsu. His recent book, "Contextual Design," which is available only at bookstores that have received inquiries, was ranked high in the Aoyama Book Center's 2020 rankings along with Dominique Chen's « Language to Create the Future.»